Balance Matters: A neuro physical therapist’s journey to make “Sense” of Balance
Balance Matters: A neuro physical therapist’s journey to make “Sense” of Balance
Ballroom Basics for Balance with Susan Frikken
I am excited for this next interview with Susan Frikken to discuss her program Ballroom Basics for Balance, as it combines 2 of my favorite things balance and dancing.
Susan Frikken, DPT, LMT
Susan Frikken is physical therapist in private practice in Madison, Wisconsin, the co-founder and an instructor for Ballroom Basics for Balance and founding member of the Madison Area Wellness Collective [now Be Well Madison], making health and wellness choices easier through connecting practitioners and community.
She is a graduate of the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2013 and now serves as an adjunct faculty and guest lecturer at UW for the DPT program. She has been a massage therapist since 1993. Areas of special interest are restoring optimal posture and function, conservative scoliosis management, soft tissue work (massage), and – of course! – balance and falls prevention! She is certified leader of Stepping On, an evidence-based falls reduction program. Proudly, Most recenty I became a PK Silver Coaching Specialist and hold parkour classes with seniors.
Originally from metro Detroit, Susan lives in Madison with her wife and animals. Quote from Susan: “My goal is to incorporate arts and nature into therapeutic practice, helping to change the way of health and wellness care in our country. I love to dance, bicycle, be outside, and play at just about anything, so I try to stay healthy and able in case I’m invited to join in!
- The Water Molecule Dance
- Upcoming curriculum trainings
- Promo video about us (2019)
- Educational video about the keys to good balance and BB4B
A core document summarizing the key elements of the curriculum.
Home practice video.
Flickr page from the years (photos and videos)
A pilot study of their class.